
Let’s work together.

The short story is no different than most any photographer — I picked up a camera, and fell in love. I'd been drawn to and interested in still photography as a kid but it was seeing my boss' two-megapixel digital camera and an old set of Speedotron studio lights as a senior in high school that truly started me off. 

Working within the bike industry has been a long-form dream come true first hatched as a kid studying grocery store magazine rack back issues, lusting after 3D violet ano, and hoping to one day witness Interbike in the flesh. After almost twenty years in the independent bicycle magazine business, I went behind the scenes into project management in the branding and product graphic design side of the bike and outdoor sports industry.

Currently looking for work! Project management, branding, content, photography. Check my real resume beyond pretty pictures at LinkedIn.

Let's work together on your next project, two wheels or not.
